Understanding Artifical Intelligence

This page collects some sample programs for the book „Understanding Artificial Intelligence – A playful Introduction“ by Pit Noack and Sophia Sanner. (Understanding Artifical Intelligence – A playful Introduction, so far only published in German)
The book requires no knowledge of programming or math and teaches the basics of AI in a clear, entertaining and humorous way.
You can start the programs with one click or open them in the online editor – where you can also inspect and modify the code. You can find more information about the editor at the bottom of this page.
A few notes on the online editor
The sample programs basically consist of several files with JavaScript, html and CSS code. The file overview is not normally open. You can open it by clicking on the „>“ sign at the top left.

The p5.js online editor before…

… and after opening the file overview.
All example programs linked here are fully licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. In short, this means that you may reproduce and redistribute, remix, modify and build upon the material in any format or medium for any purpose. This use is subject to the condition that you refer to the author in the following or a similar way:
Example program from the book „KI verstehen“ by Pit Noack and Sophia Sanner (Rheinwerk Computing, 2023)
Further information on license and conditions: